
Latest Past Events


The Winston Theatre First Floor, Bristol SU, 105 Queens Road, Bristol

University of Bristol's Dramsoc presents Arcadia, originally written by playwright Tom Stoppard. Arcadia will be on at the Winston Theatre from the 1st-3rd of February 2024. Ava stars as Thomasina in this production and she can't wait for people to see the show!


The Fresh-Case

The Winston Theatre First Floor, Bristol SU, 105 Queens Road, Bristol

University of Bristol DramSoc and Spotlights present The Fresh-Case 2023! At Bristol Improv Theatre on 29th & 30th November, come and see 7 short plays that are written, directed, and acted by the newbies of our societies. Including; The Wake by Amelie Breach; A Love Letter to a Charity Shop by Dulcie Johnson, Louis Thresher, …


TRASh 2023 by Dramsoc

The Winston Theatre First Floor, Bristol SU, 105 Queens Road, Bristol

It’s that time of year again - DramSoc’s first and biggest showcase of the year returns better than ever! Featuring 6 short pieces based in pop culture from the decades 1970 - 2020 and a cast of more than 70 people, TRASh (That Really Arty Showcase) is NOT to be missed. Join us from the …
